Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Start the New Year engaging in your own happiness project by focusing and writing with me, Caren Albers, author of Happiness Junkie.  I’ll lead you through a three week Radmacher Focus Phrase™ process of guided writing and encouraging feedback based on the 12 steps I discovered on my own journey to happiness. We start with AWARENESS and end with AWAKENING and take ten illuminating steps together in between.

Participating in an online Radmacher Focus Phrase™ session doesn’t require you to be a writer or even a wannabe writer. If you can think, type, and are interested in knowing yourself better, you’ve got everything you need to succeed.

The process involves receiving a daily phrase to focus on and then writing three short paragraphs about your experience that day.

By focusing on the phrase during the day and then writing, you invite your inner wisdom out to play. Your wise self already knows the answers. It’s just waiting to be asked the right questions.

I offer praise, encouragement, and support in my feedback and sometimes suggest resources to further inspire you.

Three week session (all done through email so you can participate when convenient for you)
Monday – Friday
January 6th – 24th
To reserve your spot email
For more info.

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