Monday, March 31, 2008

Dawn Song

All you have to do is start….there I did it I pushed out my first blog sentence. Being new to the blogosphere, I approached it the way I always do with the unknown, a Google search. I typed in “birth of a blog.” My intention was to find out if it was too cliché to start your blog with birth references.

My first hit was “enjoy birth,” having given birth many, many years ago, my memories of the wonderful event, although fuzzy, did not include enjoyment so I continued on. The next hit was home birth, then birth stories, and I quit when I got to birth trauma deciding that “pushed out” would be my only birth reference, cliché or not.

There seems to be so much pressure the first time you do anything new. So I’m glad that I am no longer a blog virgin. Now, I can get down to the really important stuff.

I am experiencing a personal rebirth (sorry can’t seem to get off the birth thing), a kind of spiritual regeneration. This blog is my way to share my journey, write about my insights, about what inspires me, and to hear about your journey, and what inspires you.

In contrast, I also like to write about off-the-wall random things that amuse me and hear back from the amused others among us.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you. I don't understand blogs so you will be teaching me as well!

Love ya,


Caren/Caren4u said...

Blogs are web pages set up to exchange information with other people. The person who creates the content posts it and others comment and share their opinions and ideas. The comments can be almost like a conversation with others. You can commment on other people's comments, too.

Some blogs are for very specific products like TIVO. I was at a TIVO blog trying to find out some information about this game called Wordsmith that is on my TIVO.

Some families set up blogs to post family news and pictures. I'm using mine to post my writing and let others read it and comment. Keep reading and thanks for commenting! Caren