Why does the question “what color is your hair color” always stump me? I don’t have any problem answering the weight question. I use a standard deviation from the actual number, throw in some wishful thinking, and come up with an amount that is optimistic yet believable. My hair color is another story.
Right now, it’s equal parts of red and blonde. So do I call it red or do I call it blonde? Who knows what color it will be at Christmas time, let alone for the next tens years that I use my passport.
At the DMV I tried to use “various” as my hair color choice, but they failed to see the humor in that. I would imagine the state department would display even less tolerance for creative answers.
Okay, my hair started out blonde, maybe I should use that. Left to its own devices, my hair would be grayish white. That would leave me needing to choose between gray and white. Yuck!
Okay, realizing that made me more decisive, blonde it is. No wait, I have a better idea. I’ll get my new passport photos taken and see what they reveal. If no clear winner emerges, I’ll flip a coin.
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