Monday, August 4, 2008


Lost my religion, well more like my center, well more like my focus, but the good news is that I can find it again by following the breadcrumb trail back, or by blazing a new one. Is my life a journey with many side trails or are the many side trails my journey?

Being led away sometimes holds the advantage of seeing things from a new perspective, sometimes more clearly, sometimes revealing more questions, but both are good.

I enjoyed my wonderful distractions, my week long visit with my husband’s brother and his wife, the 40th birthday weekend in Sonoma for Lisa (turns out she’s an online chatter, who knew???) and seeing my Florida sister-in-law and her hubby (new nickname Cubby). I loved our drive to Bodega Bay, our Italian Seafood lunch, and just being together.

All my organized joy has robbed me of my sleep, caused me to indulge (use your imagination), and put a smile on my face bright enough to light a small village.

In the midst of all the frenzy and fun, I missed my writing and my quiet time for self-exploration. Then I looked around and saw a flashing neon sign “Life Lessons available 24-7.” Turns out teachers are available everywhere, all you have to do is open your eyes and heart to see them. I wasn’t far off my path after all.

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