Monday, September 8, 2008

The Eyes Have It

There is a HUGE difference between existing and living. We could argue that existing is living and living is existing. But if you have ever looked deep into the eyes of someone merely existing, you would know the difference.

Our eyes broadcast to the world our heart's desires. They are the windows out which our emotions fly long before the brain can censor their comings and goings. Some say they betray us, but I think they reveal us.

In a blink, they flash our emotions. Our joy, pain, fear, love, hope, and excitement all journey out into the world and return with other people’s emotions to feed and nourish our soul. It is this open exchange of energy that creates life in our world.

When someone only exists, their toughened, impenetrable eyes reflect energy instead of sending and receiving it.

To grow you must glow and flow. Open those eyes wide, let yourself shine out into the world and invite the world to shine back into you.

Take a chance, plan, dream, hope, that is living.

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