Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is Fear Driving Your Bus?

Okay, I admit it, I still haven't embraced failure as my teacher, but I'm trying. So hard that I've devised this action plan to make me unstoppable.

First, I will accept that NOTHING STANDS BETWEEN ME AND MY DREAM, EXCEPT ME. Nothing's missing. If I want to take a computer class, it’s because I want to, not because I need to. All my answers are right here inside of me.

Second, I’m putting myself on loving notice, “NO MORE DREAM AVOIDING.” “NUT UP OR SHUT UP!” Oh, that doesn't sound very loving does it? But when I saw it on a teenager's tshirt I have to say it really resonated with me

Finally, EVERY DAY instead of focusing on how far from my dream I am. I'll embrace each moment as my teacher and focus on the fact that every step I take brings me one step closer to LIVING MY DREAM.

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