Friday, October 22, 2010

Gratitude for Life

Lately on my morning walks, I’ve seen several lifeless monarch butterfly bodies scattered on the ground. My first reaction is sadness but then I realize everything has lifecycle, an expiration date, including me.

I often wonder if given the chance to know my own lifecycle, would I take it? My answer is always a resounding yes.

My practical side wants to know how long my money needs to last. If only until tomorrow, today could be a really “bang up” day! But more than that I think about how I would spend my last day.

I would swing on every swing, kiss everyone I love probably even some that I didn’t, forgive everyone for everything real or imagined, reverently stare at the deep blue sky and not miss a moment of magic of that day.

A butterfly flits by me dancing in the sky and on her wings I send a prayer for the best day of her life, telling her to wait for nothing, to live this day and love this day to the fullest, to embrace every moment aware and grateful for the gift of her life.


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