Monday, October 4, 2010

Learning to Fly

Butterflies sound so much prettier than how a nervous stomach feels

It’s RISE week and after that I fly to Phoenix for a Writer’s Retreat with Martha Beck. YIKES!

It’s usually after the sun goes down, that I start question myself “Am I ready? Can I do this?” The questions quickly turn to doubts and that’s when the party really gets started.

But experience has taught me that after dark fatigue often masquerades as doubt. So I say to the questioner and the doubter “I’ll talk to you in the morning.” Because nine times out of ten when the light of day arrives, they are gone.

So let's bask in the light. Learn, stretch, grow, and accept the butterflies as a sign of the metamorphosis that occurs as we leave the safety of our cocoons and learn to fly.

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