Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Casting a Long Shadow

For once I’m happy the sun wasn’t out today! Both NY and Penn. groundhogs agree, no shadow, spring is around the corner!

If you want to get a jump on things and warm up now, watch Oprah’s Australian Adventure with her 300 ultimate viewers.

It doesn't get more “feel-goodie” than seeing the astounding beauty of the Australian sights or watching people receive this amazing trip of a lifetime.

Oprah ask her guests to remember that great things can happen in your life, go home hold this experience in your heart, and then release it into the world.

No matter what you think of Oprah or her grand gestures or the commercialization of her good deeds or my personal pet peeve that she bellows things out in threes. It does my heart good to know that there are three hundred people who will be paying it forward and raising the vibrational frequency of the world’s energy.

That’s a positive outcome no matter how you slice it.

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