Monday, February 14, 2011

TGVDIO - Thank Goodness Valentine’s Day is Over

Don’t get me wrong, I’m crazy in love, emphasis on crazy, with my husband of nearly 31 years but he’s not a gifted gifter.

Days like Valentine’s are usually met with a “deer in the headlights” stare and the “we’re not doing gifts are we” question.

He breathes a sigh of relief when I say no. We didn’t plan it this way, it just sort of evolved and it makes us happy. I’m kind of a particular gal, hey I picked him didn’t I.

Who knows me better than me and who knows what I’d like better than moi! So most of the time, I buy my own gifts.

Yesterday for V-day, I bought myself a new keyboard for my computer and a mouse support. Hey flowers wouldn't died and these gifts will keep on giving and giving. What can I say, I’m practical.

My “love language” is actually quality time and my husband scored big points last weekend by driving me 5 ½ hours to Atlanta for a Manifesting Your Vision seminar. That was truly the most awesome gift and I didn’t even have to wait for a special day to get it. Good thing I remembered to send him that “loving” E-card this morning.

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