Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I don’t know about you, but I like to have a comfortable amount of wiggle room in my life. I define wiggle room as the space in between what’s supposed to happen and what actually happens. Pinning myself down to exact dates and times puts grimaces on my face and I really don’t any new wrinkles right now.

I’m discovering that wiggle room might be one of those loves that is bad for you. When exposed to the harsh light of day, wiggle room like comfort food tastes great going down, but in the weeks and months to come as our seams stretch and our muffin tops bulge, we regret eating so much of it.

I do enjoy my aimless wandering, but it doesn’t always get me where I want to go. Perhaps a little structure, a few hard and fast commitments, dare I say a deadline of two might be just what the doctor ordered.

I’m not sayin’ change WHO I am. I’m just sayin’ make a stronger commitment to WHO I am. Yeah, that’s it! I’m definitely, maybe gonna try that!

What new thing do you definitely, maybe wanna try? Let’s commit to doing it together. NO WIGGLE ROOM!

Go for it! – LIVE YOUR DREAM

Certified Organic Dream Creatrix -  Caren Albers is a writer, blogger, writing coach, and personal growth enthusiast who still colors outside of the lines. While learning to live her own dream she learned ways to inspire others to live theirs. Her eCourses based on Radmacher Focus Phrase™ use guided writing to explore, discover, and LIVE YOUR DREAM.

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