Friday, April 18, 2008


I love affirmations and have used them for years to program myself with positive and uplifting thoughts that motivate me. Lately, it’s becoming clear to me that WORDS MATTER even more than I originally thought. What we tell ourselves, the story we tell ourselves about who we are, determines WHO WE ARE!

If we tell ourselves when things get tough we always quit, guess what, when things get tough, WE WILL QUIT. Let’s start right NOW and tell ourselves a positive story, one that focuses on what we do well, things we succeed at, things we are proud of, things we dream about. You know this story, you're just not used to telling it.

I admit it isn't easy to change our thinking, let’s face it most of us remember negative events because they are so emotionally charged. But with a little effort and training, we can learn to focus on the good in our lives.

Affirmations help us do just that. They serve as a visual reminder of our intention, what we want to accomplish, where we want our energy to flow. We all learn through repetition (remember memorizing your multiplication tables?) Looking at an affirmation card and repeating its message strengthens our beliefs and convictions. Using this process, we learn to give ourselves what we so freely give to others, praise, love, encouragement, understanding, kindness, and compassion.

My current affirmation is “Practice being kind to yourself, the results will amaze you!” Try it, and let me know what happens.

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