Monday, April 28, 2008


This last week of April is our week of celebrations, my husband’s birthday, our wedding anniversary, and today my birthday.

In search of a memorable, overnight trip to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary, I discovered the East Brother Light Station, a restored Victorian Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast Inn perched atop an island in the straits that separate San Francisco and San Pablo Bays. Reading the descriptions, I knew I’d found our adventure.

At 4pm we were to meet at the Point San Pablo Yacht Harbor in Richmond California for a short boat ride to the island. The website cautioned that the road to the harbor was not well maintained. It also stressed that depending on the tides you needed to be able to exit a bobbing boat by climbing a ladder from four to ten feet. The only water source on the island is rain collected in cisterns, so showers could not be provided for guests staying only one night. Already I was excited.

The yacht harbor (I’m using the term loosely) was weathered but proved adequate for our host to dock and load for our ferry to the island. Arriving at the island, our climb up the ladder to shore was only four feet. No problem.

Our evening began with hosts Elan and Katey serving us champagne and hors d’oeuvres outdoors to enjoy the wonderful weather and gorgeous views of the bay and city of San Francisco off in the distance. Only three of the five rooms in the Inn were rented so six of us shared the island for the night. Our conversations, lively and interesting, carried on throughout a delicious multi-course dinner with wines selected to complement and into the unseasonably warm night air.

We stayed in the Marin Room, the view breathtaking. I already miss seeing the stars over the bay with Mount Tamalpias in the background. In the morning, enjoying our gourmet breakfast, all agreed our time there went by WAY to quickly. Leaving at low tide, we did get one last adrenaline rush climbing down the ladder about ten feet to our waiting boat.

So many places we travel remind us of other places we have been. This uniquely, wonderful experience was one we'll always remember!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Caren,
I thought this was an opportune day to greet your blog - thinking perhaps you'd done a post - and here it is. Well done...with beautiful details! I'm glad you two enjoyed your birthday / anniversary / birthday celebration, and I hope that you're having an extra-special *today*.