Monday, April 7, 2008

We Can Learn Anything

I read an article years ago that inspired and left a lasting impression on me. It stated “WE CAN LEARN ANYTHING.” I questioned the hypothesis, but kept reading. It went on to say “we can learn anything if we are willing to spend the amount of time necessary to learn it.” The amount of time necessary varies widely based on an individual’s abilities and experience.

Interesting, could this explain why I dropped Chemistry and took Geology and Mineralogy, affectionately known at Ohio State as Rocks for Jocks? Identifying halite by licking it to check for saltiness, held far more appeal to me than memorizing the periodic table. I tried not to think about all those who had licked the rocks before me.

At times, I have resisted learning all together, especially about computers. When I had problems, I called my husband and he would solve them for me. The system worked great until he tired of my relentless demands forcing me to begin my twenty year computer learning journey (still in progress).

I am happy to report that my skills go way beyond the basic now, we joke that I am Tech Level II bordering on Tech Level III. I set up this blog, okay admittedly not that hard, but I also taught myself MS FrontPage using tutorials. It took a lot of time and several passes to complete. I’m not a quick learner, but I was willing to spend whatever time it took because I was developing a website for a business that I plan to launch soon that sells personalized, photo inspirations.

The idea that "WE CAN LEARN ANYTHING" is empowering. Whatever I haven’t "gotten a good handle on” yet just has not shown up on my radar screen as important enough for me to spend the time to master.

I like knowing that I haven’t missed anything, whatever I want to learn is waiting out there for me. All I have to do is decide that it is important to me, and then spend whatever time and resources it takes to learn it.

That puts ME in charge of what I know. That is power.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are inspiring me, Caren, keep it up!