Thursday, April 10, 2008

Present Moment

We are so conditioned to project ourselves into the future or beat ourselves up about the past that we fail to recognize the power and wonder of living in the present moment.

I’m gaining perspective on “presence” studying A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Each weekly web class hosted by Eckhart & Oprah begins with thirty seconds of silence, where we focus our attention on our body’s internal functions (like breathing in and out) and away from thinking. This process provides a glimpse into experiencing the present moment.

The present moment is the only thing that we have for certain. The past is behind us and the future only a hope, not a promise. When you practice living in the present moment, you gain a clarity that allows you to see through new eyes your place in the world and to honor it.

It’s not too late to experience your own awakening. Each week Eckhart & Oprah discuss a chapter of A New Earth. Next week, Chapter 7 Finding Who You Truly Are according to Oprah is a great place to join in. You can catch up after that by going back and listening to previous classes. Check it out at


Anonymous said...

Thanks this sounds like this could help me mentally and physically.

Caren/Caren4u said...

Oprah's advice that you can jump in and start in Chapter 7, I disagree with. Reading chapter 7, even I got a little confused. I'm sure it will become clear when I watch the webcast. Chapter 1 is the most difficult to read, but keep going, the rest of the chapters get easier to understand and become clear. It is a powerful, great book.