This week Oprah had program featuring Louise Hay. I have been a fan of hers for years. Some of you may remember the year I gave everyone in my family her book Meditations to Heal Your Life for Christmas. I think I handed out fifteen copies.
I imagine many got a chuckle after receiving my gift, that crazy Caren. But I have been a strong believer in the power of affirmations and positive thinking for most of my adult life and wanted to share something that had the power to change your thinking.
I was not always a positive thinker. I worked hard to achieve it. It was a two steps forward one step backward journey, but eventually I got there.
Louise Hay has a movie You Can Heal Your Life. I have not seen it yet, but plan to order it from ($15.96). It features Wayne Dyer, too and if you read my earlier post, reading his books was very influential in my thinking and my life.
On Oprah, Louise Hay talked about how our primary intention in life is to feel good. She suggested that our food and our thoughts are two components that we can control to contribute to feeling good in life. I am all about feeling good.
So, if I send those I love a movie or another book, don’t feel I think that “YOU” need it, I think we can ALL benefit from it, myself included. I still own my copy of Meditations to Heal Your Life.
Personal transformations can begin with something as small as reading this post or Louise Hay or Wayne Dyer and can end with a more powerful, positive, YOU!
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