One thing I love about Northern California is that even in the heat of summer, the Delta breeze rolls in at night and we can open our windows and enjoy fifty degree temperatures……that is when Northern California isn’t on fire.
Last week’s wildfires and resulting dangerous air quaity obscured our normally beautiful sun and sky forcing us to run our air conditioner for the first time this season.
I came from Columbus, Ohio where the average number of sunny days is 178 per year. This week reminded me of why I love living here….our average number of sunny days is 300 per year. Not seeing the “real sun” last week or being able to go outside to play affected my mood.
While inside, I was channel surfing and stopped briefly on a religious channel. A preacher was talking about good angels and bad angels. I had thought there were only angels and devils, but apparently bad angels are devils in disguise. So the preacher was suggesting that when an angel delivers a message to us, we should measure it against God’s word to see if it was a good angel or a bad angel. I don’t know about you, but all I have to do is listen to my heart to tell the difference between my angels and my devils, I'm not that easily fooled.
So here we are with some 1400 fires burning in California. Is God mad at us for something or is it because of some prophecy (you can tell I’m not much of a biblical scholar) or is it because of science and climatology, or is it because we have built homes so close to the wilderness that when fires break out we extinguish them so quickly that the underbrush remains so dense that when one does really get going it burns too hot to be put out (opinion of a fireman friend)?
What can I say opinions are like….belly buttons….everyone has one. Did you think I was going to say something else? I’m happy to report that the sunshine and my sunny disposition are back......and thanks to all who inquired about our safety and well being.
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